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Be ready for deep cleaning after quarantine


Sanitizing your vacation rental will prevent your guests from getting infected before their arrival. We recommend a deep clean every 2 months.

These are suggestions from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) on how to deep-clean your property, suggestions we take to action when cleaning your rental property.

Wear gloves and have good ventilation while you clean.

Wear disposable gloves, don’t use them for other purposes just throw them out once you’re finished and clean your hands immediately after removing gloves.

You need to peel the gloves away from your hands, pulling them inside out without touching your skin with the outside of the glove.

Clean first and disinfect after.

Cleaning refers to removing germs from surfaces and also any visible dust, grime, or dirt. Disinfecting is using chemicals to kill germs on surfaces.

To disinfect you can use regular disinfection products (e.g., Clorox, Purell, and Hydrogen peroxide-based products) or use a disinfectant that has been registered and approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to apply, the time to let sit, and proper ventilation. Check that the product is not expired.

Towels, clothing, and other items for laundry should be washed with a warm water setting with your usual detergent and then dry completely.

When you are finished cleaning, collect everything, including your gloves and other protective equipment, and put them in a leak-proof bag, make sure it’s tied shut and can not reopen.

If you need somebody to clean your vacation rental, give us a call or book here.